Sunday, October 2, 2011

Worship reflection 10-02-11 .1st service.

1st service @ 8:30am

Prelude Music

Scripture Reading --> 1 Peter 1:1-3

Call to Worship -->  "Come Thou Fount" vs. 1 & 3, "All Creatures of our God and King" vs. 1, 4, 5

Scripture Reading --> 1 Corinthians 1:4-9
Prayer of Adoration

Hymns of Praise --> "We Gather Together", "O Worship the King"

Scripture Reading --> Philippians 1:1-6
Offertory Prayer
Offertory/Offertory Music --> "Jesus, Name Above All Names" (Adult Choir)


Song of Preparation --> "There's Something About That Name"


Closing Song --> "Doxology"

Opportunities to Give, Serve, & Connect
Postlude Music
The Scripture readings are bolded because they were each a part of the sermon today. All of the readings are greetings from letters in the New Testament. Having Scripture read throughout the service set up the sermon quite well.
A look ahead: next week (10-09-11) we'll be having a Scripture drama  in both services.

Each greeting from each read pericope blended with the next set of songs. "Come Thou Fount" is an invitational song, welcoming our Lord into our midst and reading 1 Peter 1:1-3 talks of the grace of Jesus Christ and His coming again. Transitioning out of "Come Thou Fount" and leading into "All Creatures of our God & King" tells the story of how we invite Jesus with us, while calling everything that has life and breath to come and worship our King of kings.

First Corinthians 1:4-9 talks of the grace of Jesus Christ and the hope of His second coming. There was prayer, then I asked the congregation to join in singing and praising our God in proclaiming Him as our God as "We Gather Together". Our togetherness leads us to surrender our whole lives to our one and only Savior, Jesus Christ. We culminated this song set with the hymn, "O Worship the King".

The adult occasional choir had their first performance this Sunday during 1st service. They sang "Jesus, Name Above All Names" with men and women alternating parts in a round. Peg signed during the song. It was a privilege to hear & watch them worship right along with them this morning.

"There's Something About That Name" was the song of preparation for Communion. It's a slower song that slows down our hearts and minds to focus on the bread and the cup. The lyrics and melody encourage contemplation on the cross. Here are the lyrics:

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There's just something about that Name
Master, Savior, Jesus
Like the fragrance after the rain
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Let all Heaven and earth proclaim
kings and kingdoms will all pass away
but there's something about that Name

The new computer and program for media were up and running smoothly this morning and I really appreciated the scriptures on the slides as well as the background variations with the lyrics of each song.

We sung the "Doxology" as the response to receiving Communion together. I hope to incorporate this song within the worship time more frequently.

To God be all the glory.

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