Monday, November 7, 2011

All Saints' Day service

Our congregation has observed All Saints' Day as one service (not two like we normally have on a given Sunday) for a few years, and we continued that observance this past Sunday on November 6th, 2011.

In years past we have filled the service with life-changing elements such as baby dedications and a remembrance slideshow of those saints who have past on before us from that particular year.

This year, we added a candle lighting to the remembrance slideshow. We had one person light all of the candles. First, we lit the Christ candle to commence the moment of remembrance. Then for each person, a candle was lit. It was very moving to be able to think upon those who we knew and, in a sense, have them involved in the service as we meditate on God and His ways.

Here is the order of worship from this Sunday's service:

Let There Be Praise (Occasional Adult Choir)

Welcome and Opportunities to Give, Serve, & Connect

Opening Song w/ Scripture Reading: Isaiah 25:6-9
Praise to the Lord, The Almighty 

Offertory Set (prayer/music)
Open The Eyes of my Heart (Kids For Christ Choir)

Homily (Pastor Bob Adelsperger)

Responsive Hymn
O God, our Help in Ages Past

Christ Candle Lighting, Liturgy, & Remembrance Slideshow

Song of Preparation
My Jesus, I Love Thee (vs. 1 & 2 only)

Communion (served, not processional this week)
Revelation Song

Closing Song

We had a prayer for the benediction and it was also the prayer for our pitch-in/potluck that we had prepared in the basement of the facility for us all to fellowship afterwards.

The All Saints' Day service is a special time we gather together with those believers living locally to reflect and meditate on the precious time we have with one another; to make the most of each moment. The Lord gives and He takes away. For all is rightly His to give and to take. It is all His anyway.