Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Worship reflection 09-25-11 .2nd service.

2nd service @ 10:50am

Prelude --> "Hosanna (Praise is Rising)"

Welcome & Worship in Song --> "I Lift my Eyes Up" Scripture Genesis 17:1-7 "God of Wonders" "We Fall Down"

Offertory Prayer
Offertory Song --> "Give Us Clean Hands"


Closing Song --> "Our God"

Member Induction

Media's new computer system, ProPresenter, was up and running for the 10:50 service! Quite a few approached me commenting on how much they liked the backgrounds. Seeing the screen during practice, I personally appreciated how fluid the transitions were between slides. I'm looking forward to taking more time in researching and learning about the breadth of media material available for worship services. If you're interested in the creative process of running the media on Sunday mornings, please contact Aaron Thompson or me, and we'd love to get you connected.

"I Lift my Eyes Up" was originally going to be "Firm Foundation", but I made a quick switch at the last minute. Hopefully we'll worship the Lord singing that song sometime soon.

Having Louanne and Andrew reading the longer scripture was very helpful. Usually when there is a longer scripture, I try to make it more intriguing to those listening. With designated parts, Louanne as the so-called narrator/author and Andrew as so-called spoken LORD, I feel it left more of an impression on me. I often picture myself as one in the congregation as the scripture is being read, and imagine myself watching and listening to those reading allowed the Word of God-- this helps me try to see what we do on stage from the perspective of the congregation. Scripture needs to read when we come together, so I desire it to be presented as best as possible.

Proclaiming the wonders of God as we sing in awe, "God of Wonders", then purge pride and resolve to humility by stating "we fall down, we lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus" connected so much how of most of our daily lives go, does it not? We go about our day, thinking of the things we have to do. We take credit for the credit we feel is due to us. And as we travel home thinking the day was a success, the Holy Spirit overpowers our prideful selves with conviction and reminds of us The One to Whom all credit is due...Jesus Christ our Risen Savior Lord. What a proclamation to share in together!

As we offered our tithes and offerings, we asked God to renew us, to cleanse us, to make us humble in "Give Us Clean Hands".

"Our God" was our closing song that led us into the member induction of one family in our church, the Isenburgs.

Worship reflection 09-25-11 .1st service.

Each week, from now on, I'm hoping to post reflections from the previous Sunday services. This helps me to process the flow of each service, the elements involved, highlights, and looking for innovative ways to improve for Sundays to come. I will recall and comment on both worship services.

Community was the theme for 09-25 and will also be the theme for 10-02.
1st service
Prelude (Organ)


Call to Worship --> Read & Response with Psalm 95:1-7 (from The Worship Sourcebook)

Hymn of Response --> "The Family of God" (Refrain, sung twice)

Scripture Reading --> Genesis 17:1-7
Prayer of Adoration

Hymns --> "His Name is Wonderful" & "O How He Loves You and Me"

Offertory Prayer
Offertory  (song played & sung) --> "El Shaddai"


Closing Song --> "Blest be the Tie that Binds"

This was the first Sunday we used the new computer for media purposes. Unfortunately, we were unable to have it ready for first service. This next week, we should have it ready to display lyrics, videos, photos, and any other media necessary as a helpful component to the both services.

Because of the absence of lyrics projected on a screen, we used hymnals. It was nice to use them for a change. This encouraged me to think of sometime having a hymn-sing. If anyone is interested in doing that, please contact me.

All of the songs seemed familiar to everyone. However, I think the rain influenced some to feel a little tired. I'll have to keep weather in mind to help encourage all of us as we join in worshipful singing to God, our Lord, Creator, Redeemer and Friend.