Monday, December 6, 2010

ENFP worship leader

I'm fascinated by personality types. I love learning about people. I already knew about my personality type (ENFP) and how it interacted with others, but I did not coincide it with my position. So a few days ago I researched, "enfp worship leader" on google. The closest thing I could find was a church website that apparently took the Myers-Briggs personality test, and had it in each of their church staff profiles. Guess which one was one an ENFP? The youth minister.
The senior pastor was an ESTJ (not surprising).
The pastor of adult ministries was an INFP.
The pastor of children's ministries was an ESTJ (thought this was interesting).
And their programming arts director [worship leader] was an INFJ.

I must say that I appreciate the staff's drive to get to know one another better through seeking to understand each personality.

As I continued my search, I found information about an "ENFP Congregation" at
It moreso describes the personality of the congregation as a whole. Although, seeing as how a congregation is shaped not just by their values, environment, family, and friends, but also those who lead them; such as the senior pastor, youth pastor, children's pastor, and worship leader.

I'm really digging to find the sources I desire for understanding how my position lines up with my personality ;-)
Still searching.


Friday, September 24, 2010

my Purpose

My purpose for blogging is to reflect on life and what I'm learning daily. Most thing that will be discussed include: my relationship with God, my husband, family, friends, co-workers, people from Peru First Baptist Church (PFBC), and others; as well as life events.

I am constantly learning and desire to continue my pursuit of truth through working out my thoughts in prayer, poetry, sharing, and questioning all, but not limited to, this blog. This blog is a reflection of who I am as a child of God.

I invite you to learn with me as I learn in this life the Lord has given us to live for Him.
